
            February 5, 2019 1:00 PM - or upon adjournment

            SB 1


                                 Brock, Samantha  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Diehl, Michael  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Dudley, Rustin  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Flores, David  Budget Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Civil

                                 Commitment Office), Austin, TX

                                 Hellerstedt, MD, John  Commissioner, Department of State Health Services  (also providing

                                 written testimony) (Department of State Health Services), Austin, TX

                                 Hernandez Kauffman, Sylvia  Inspector General  (also providing written testimony) (HHS

                                 Office of Inspector General), Austin, TX

                                 Ma, Amy  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Maples, Mike  Deputy Executive Commissioner For HSCS  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (HHSC), Austin

                                 McGeady, John  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 McLane, Marsha  Executive Director, TCCO  (also providing written testimony) (Tx Civil

                                 Commitment Office), Austin

                                 Muth, Stephanie  Medicaid Director & Deputy Executive Commissioner For Medicaid &

                                 CHIP Services  (also providing written testimony) (HHSC), Austin

                                 Phillips, Courtney  HHSC Executive Commissioner  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (HHSC), Austin

                                 Prado, Elizabeth  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Rymal, Greta  Deputy Executive Commissioner For Financial Services  (also providing

                                 written testimony) (HHSC), Austin

                                 Sheppard, Donna  Chief Financial Officer, Department of State Health Services  (also

                                 providing written testimony) (Department of State Health Services), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, Trey  Chief Financial Officer  (also providing written testimony) (HHSC), Austin