Amend CSSB 3 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1) In the recital to SECTION 2 of the bill (page 2, line 18), strike "and (h-7)" and substitute ", (h-7), and (h-8)".
(2) In SECTION 2 of the bill, immediately after added Section 28.002(h-7), Education Code (page 3, between lines 10 and 11), insert the following:
(h-8) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules requiring each student, with the consent of the student's parent, to complete a student-led, student-chosen, content-focused civics practicum once during grade eight and once while in high school as part of the social studies curriculum. Each civics practicum may be designed to be completed individually, in a small group, or as a class and must:
(1) be non-partisan;
(2) be consistent with and clearly linked to the essential knowledge and skills adopted for social studies;
(3) focus on building civic knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors;
(4) promote a student's ability to:
(A) rigorously research and analyze information;
(B) make logical arguments with supporting evidence;
(C) present complex issues from multiple perspectives; and
(D) engage in civil discourse with people who hold positions different than the student's; and
(5) require a student to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between federal, state, and local government and between the policies at each level of government.
(3) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 28.0022(a)(2), Education Code (page 3, line 32), after the underlined semicolon, insert "and".
(4) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 28.0022(a), Education Code, strike Subdivision (3) (page 3, lines 33 through 48) and renumber subsequent subdivisions of that subsection and cross-references to those subdivisions accordingly.
(5) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 28.0022, Education Code, strike Subsection (b) (page 4, lines 18 through 21) and reletter subsequent subsections accordingly.