Amend CSSB 1 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 4.12 of the bill, adding Section 87.0271, Election Code, strike added Sections 87.0271(3) and (4) (page 12, lines 53 through 55) and substitute the following:
(3) missing any required statement of residence;
(4) missing information or containing incorrect information required under Section 84.002(a)(1-a) or Section 86.002; or
(5) containing incomplete information with respect to a witness.
(2) In SECTION 4.14 of the bill, adding Section 87.0411, Election Code, strike added Sections 87.0411(3) and (4) (page 13, lines 60 through 62) and substitute the following:
(3) missing any required statement of residence;
(4) missing information or containing incorrect information required under Section 84.002(a)(1-a) or Section 86.002; or
(5) containing incomplete information with respect to a witness.