Amend SB 3 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  Strike page 5, line 27, through page 6, line 24, and substitute "grade 12, a teacher, administrator, or other employee of a".
(2)  On page 6, line 27, strike "(A)" and substitute "(1)".
(3)  On page 7, line 2, strike "(i)" and substitute "(A)".
(4)  On page 7, line 4, strike "(ii)" and substitute "(B)".
(5)  On page 7, line 7, strike "(iii)" and substitute "(C)".
(6)  On page 7, line 10, strike "(iv)" and substitute "(D)".
(7)  On page 7, line 13, strike "(v)" and substitute "(E)".
(8)  On page 7, line 16, strike "(vi)" and substitute "(F)".
(9)  On page 7, line 19, strike "(vii)" and substitute "(G)".
(10)  On page 7, line 22, strike "(viii)" and substitute "(H)".
(11)  On page 7, line 25, strike "(ix)" and substitute "(I)".
(12)  On page 8, line 3, strike "(B)" and substitute "(2)".
(13)  On page 8, line 6, strike "Paragraph (A)" and substitute "Subdivision (1)".
(14)  On page 8, line 7, strike "(C)" and substitute "(3)".
(15)  On page 8, strike lines 8 through 18 and reletter subsequent subsections and cross-references to those subsections accordingly.
(16)  On page 8, line 23, strike "(a)(4)(A)" and substitute "(a)(1)".
(17)  On page 8, line 27, strike "(a)(4)" and substitute "(a)".