Amend CSSB 14 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 19, strike "or enforce".
(2) On page 2, line 2, between "policy" and "that", insert "adopted on or after January 1, 2022,".
(3) On page 2, lines 11-13, strike ", regardless of whether the ordinance, order, rule, regulation, or policy is adopted before, on, or after January 1, 2022".
(4) On page 2, strike lines 24-26, and substitute the following:
SECTION 2. Chapter 83, Labor Code, as added by this Act, applies only to an ordinance, order, rule, regulation, or policy adopted on or after the effective date of this Act. An ordinance, order, rule, regulation, or policy adopted before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the ordinance, order, rule, regulation, or policy was adopted, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.