87S21180 BPG-D
  By: Tinderholt H.R. No. 102
         WHEREAS, Mission Arlington is marking 35 years of service to
  the community in 2021; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in 1986 under the auspices of First Baptist
  Church Arlington, Mission Arlington has been led since its
  inception by director Tillie Burgin; she brought to her role a
  decade of experience performing missionary work with her family in
  South Korea, which sparked her vision of faith-based service in her
  own hometown; and
         WHEREAS, Mission Arlington launched a home Bible study group
  almost immediately after its inception; through the years, it came
  to sponsor Bible studies for thousands of people in some 360
  locations; and
         WHEREAS, Expanding its outreach, Mission Arlington looked
  for ways to help members of the community who lacked daily
  necessities; Mission Metroplex was formed in 1990, bringing the
  participation of other churches; today, under the umbrella of
  Mission Metroplex, Mission Arlington continues to provide those in
  need with food, clothing, furniture, and other household items, as
  well as emergency financial assistance; the organization also
  supports two health clinics and a counseling center; its many
  initiatives include home repairs, school supply donations, and such
  holiday perennials as Thanksgiving meal delivery and a Christmas
  store, where families can shop for free gifts for their children;
         WHEREAS, Over the past 35 years, Mission Arlington has set an
  inspiring example of faith in action, making a positive difference
  in the lives of countless Texans; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby congratulate Mission
  Arlington on its 35th anniversary and extend to all those
  associated with the organization sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.