87S21298 JRI-D
  By: Morrison H.R. No. 138
         WHEREAS, Sisters Morgan O'Connor, Kelly Schaar, and Bridey
  Greeson, owners of the Dunn O'Connor River Ranch in Goliad County,
  have been presented with the 2021 Lone Star Land Steward Award for
  the Coastal Prairies Ecoregion by the Texas Parks and Wildlife
  Department; and
         WHEREAS, For the past quarter century, TPWD has recognized
  private landowners for exemplary contributions to land, water, and
  wildlife stewardship; its awards program raises awareness of sound
  natural resource and habitat management practices and highlights
  the important role private landowners play in the conservation of
  the state's unique natural and cultural resources; and
         WHEREAS, The 6,900-acre Dunn O'Connor River Ranch has been in
  the sisters' family since 1836; through their collaboration with
  the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other federal and state
  agencies, they have maintained a successful grazing program for
  their cattle that also benefits native wildlife; the sisters'
  mother, Marie O'Connor Sorenson, began participating in the Coastal
  Prairie Conservation Initiative in 2003, and the ranch has since
  added watering facilities to improve livestock grazing
  distribution as well as numerous cross fences to enable rotational
  grazing; the ranch additionally conducts prescribed burning on
  pastures to enhance secondary plant succession and to maintain
  grassland species while discouraging invasive brush; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, many research initiatives have taken
  place at the ranch, including those involving monarch butterflies,
  bobwhite quail, mottled ducks, and red imported fire ants; the
  ranch has also worked closely with state and federal partners to
  become one of several release sites for the highly endangered
  Attwater's prairie chicken; since 2007, hundreds of the birds bred
  and hatched in captivity have been released on the ranch, and thanks
  to conservation efforts, the population of the species is the
  highest it has been since 1993; and
         WHEREAS, The natural beauty and diverse ecologies of the Lone
  Star State depend greatly on the care and oversight demonstrated by
  its landowners, and these conscientious and hardworking Texans are
  helping to preserve precious resources for future generations; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby congratulate Morgan
  O'Connor, Kelly Schaar, and Bridey Greeson of the Dunn O'Connor
  River Ranch on their receipt of a Lone Star Land Steward Award from
  the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and extend to them sincere
  best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. O'Connor, Ms. Schaar, and Ms. Greeson as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.