87S20268 BPG-D
  By: Hinojosa, et al. S.C.R. No. 4
         WHEREAS, The rapid spread of the COVID-19 delta variant is
  threatening to overwhelm hospitals as they struggle with low
  staffing levels and the related shortage of ICU beds; and
         WHEREAS, Across Texas, there are 23,000 more unfilled
  registered nurse positions than there are job-seeking nurses,
  according to the Texas Workforce Commission; medical personnel are
  suffering from severe burnout as the pandemic drags on, driving
  high rates of turnover; because other states are also struggling
  with the delta variant, our understaffed hospitals struggle to hire
  contract nurses or transfer patients when necessary; and
         WHEREAS, The registered nurse shortage threatens to both
  decrease access to health care and lower its quality; even if a
  hospital does have adequate ICU beds, it can only use those that
  have adequate staff coverage; and
         WHEREAS, In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic escalated, the
  Texas Division of Emergency Management and Department of State
  Health Services provided communities with guidance, oversight, and
  resources to support hospital care; using federal relief funds,
  DSHS contracted with staffing companies to recruit medical
  professionals for deployment to COVID-19 hot spots around the
  state; and
         WHEREAS, Once vaccination efforts began to reduce patient
  numbers in 2021, the state started to demobilize supplemental
  staff; however, not long after the state's last nurse contracts
  ended, the delta variant commenced its rampage through the
  still-considerable ranks of the unvaccinated; then, in a July 29,
  2021, letter, TDEM appeared to shift the pandemic response to
  county and city leaders, leaving them to address the delta variant
  surge by seeking and disbursing federal Coronavirus Local Fiscal
  Recovery funds; however, throughout the pandemic, state guidance,
  management, and oversight have proven crucial in developing a
  coherent response, and the lack of same is likely to result in
  confusion and inefficiency, as well as deleterious bidding wars and
  staff poaching among more densely populated communities with better
  resources and rural areas already desperately scrambling to compete
  for scarce staff; and
         WHEREAS, The urgency of the current public health crisis
  requires all levels of government to work together under clear
  guidance and coordination, and the continued leadership of TDEM and
  DSHS is essential to ensure that CLFR funds are utilized with
  maximum effectiveness and that all Texans have access to
  high-quality health care at this critical juncture; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the 87th Legislature of the State of Texas,
  2nd Called Session, hereby direct the Texas Division of Emergency
  Management and Department of State Health Services to establish and
  maintain a system of guidance, coordination, and oversight to
  address hospital understaffing and ICU bed shortages during the
  COVID-19 pandemic; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official
  copies of this resolution to the chief of the Texas Division of
  Emergency Management and to the commissioner of the Texas
  Department of State Health Services.