2021S0545-1 08/26/21
  By: Creighton S.R. No. 53
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Joseph L. Trahan, executive chairman and founder of
  BIZPAC.us, for his service on behalf of Texas citizens and his
  many contributions to the state; and
         WHEREAS, Joseph Trahan established BIZPAC.us, an
  association of business owners, to bring together people who
  could work with state government to the benefit of Texas and its
  citizens; the members are captains of industry and leaders in a
  wide variety of fields; members include patent holders,
  innovators, experts in science and engineering, and physicians;
         WHEREAS, The members of this respected organization have
  guided groundbreaking advancements in medical and technological
  research; they serve as advisors to legislators and state agency
  leaders during legislative sessions, and they have provided
  information that has been valuable to the development of policies
  in such areas as public health, public safety, and education;
  BIZPAC.us members make a difference in local communities by
  organizing citizens and encouraging them to become active on
  their school boards and to participate in local government; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Trahan began fostering the talents of the
  next generation of leaders by establishing a Young Professionals
  Association within his organization; the educational program
  connects young and emerging professionals with industry leaders
  and seasoned business veterans who provide mentorship in
  governance, citizen activism, and civic responsibility; and
         WHEREAS, Members of BIZPAC.us give generously of their
  time and resources to assist wounded veterans and to award
  scholarships to high school graduates, and many of them serve as
  civic leaders; Mr. Trahan can reflect with pride on the success
  of his organization and its many contributions to the communities
  of Texas; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 87th
  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby commend Joseph L. Trahan
  on his dedication and outstanding service to the Lone Star State
  and its citizens and extend to him best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  him as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.