Amend SB 47 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In the recital to SECTION 1 of the bill (page 1, line 23), strike "280 and 281" and substitute "280, 281, and 282".
(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, immediately following added Chapter 281, Election Code (page 4, between lines 54 and 55), insert the following:
Sec. 282.001.  DEFINITION. In this chapter, "joint committee" means the joint committee established under this chapter.
Sec. 282.002.  JOINT COMMITTEE FOR OVERSIGHT ESTABLISHED. (a) A joint committee is established to monitor compliance with Chapter 280 and, until its expiration, Chapter 281.
(b)  The joint committee is composed of 10 members, appointed as follows:
(1)  five senators appointed by the lieutenant governor; and
(2)  five representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
(c)  The lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives shall designate one member appointed under Subsection (b)(1) and one member appointed under Subsection (b)(2) to serve as co-chairs of the joint committee.
(d)  A quorum of the joint committee is established if at least five members are present.
Sec. 282.003.  JOINT COMMITTEE DUTIES. (a) The secretary of state shall, on a quarterly basis and on request of the joint committee, report to the joint committee any actions taken by the secretary under Chapter 280.
(b)  The election review advisory committee established under Chapter 281 shall, on a quarterly basis and on request of the joint committee, report to the joint committee any actions taken by the election review advisory committee. This subsection expires on September 1, 2024.
(c)  The joint committee shall, as necessary, produce a report that details:
(1)  all actions reported to the committee;
(2)  any findings made by the committee; and
(3)  recommendations for legislative action.