By: A. Johnson of Harris H.B. No. 166
  relating to the creation of additional judicial districts composed
  of Harris County; making an appropriation.
         SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that:
               (1)  in the last five years, Harris County has been
  devastated by multiple disasters, including Hurricane Harvey and
  the COVID-19 pandemic, that have resulted in the closure of
  courthouses in the county and created a backlog of criminal cases
  waiting to be heard;
               (2)  ongoing restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  and construction at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center will
  continue to restrict access to jury trials;
               (3)  an increase in defendants released on personal
  bond or monetary bail while awaiting trial has lead to an increase
  in the levels of crime in Harris County; and
               (4)  without additional courts, the Harris County
  Criminal District Courts will take 15 years to clear the backlog of
  criminal cases and return to the number of pending criminal cases
  seen prior to Hurricane Harvey, further endangering the safety of
  the Harris County community, law enforcement, and victims.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter C, Chapter 24, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 24.60031, 24.60032, and 24.60033 to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 24.60031.  486TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT (HARRIS COUNTY).
  (a) The 486th Judicial District is composed of Harris County.
         (b)  The 486th District Court shall give preference to
  criminal cases.
         (c)  On February 1, 2024:
               (1)  this section expires; and
               (2)  the 486th Judicial District is abolished.
         Sec. 24.60032.  487TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT (HARRIS COUNTY).
  (a)  The 487th Judicial District is composed of Harris County.
         (b)  The 487th District Court shall give preference to
  criminal cases.
         (c)  On February 1, 2024:
               (1)  this section expires; and
               (2)  the 487th Judicial District is abolished.
         Sec. 24.60033.  488TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT (HARRIS COUNTY).  
  (a) The 488th Judicial District is composed of Harris County.
         (b)  The 488th District Court shall give preference to
  criminal cases.
         (c)  On February 1, 2024:
               (1)  this section expires; and
               (2)  the 488th Judicial District is abolished.
         SECTION 3.  The amount of $595,716 is appropriated from the
  general revenue fund to the Comptroller of Public Accounts,
  Judiciary Section for the state fiscal biennium beginning September
  1, 2021, for the purpose of providing funding for the judicial
  salaries and other necessary expenses for the 486th, 487th, and
  488th Judicial Districts.
         SECTION 4.  The 486th, 487th, and 488th Judicial Districts
  are created on the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2022, if this
  Act receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for effect on that
  date, this Act takes effect February 1, 2022.