87S30104 SCL-F
  By: Vasut H.J.R. No. 5
  applying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention
  under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited
  purpose of proposing an amendment to the constitution to prohibit
  abortion, euthanasia, and certain other acts.
         WHEREAS, Article V of the United States Constitution provides
  that on application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the
  several states the Congress of the United States shall call a
  convention for the purpose of proposing for ratification an
  amendment to the United States Constitution; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 87th Texas Legislature hereby
  respectfully applies to the Congress of the United States to call a
  convention pursuant to Article V of the United States Constitution
  for the limited purpose of proposing, and submitting for
  ratification, an amendment to the United States Constitution
  abrogating Roe v. Wade and clearly prohibiting abortion,
  euthanasia, and all other acts that deprive any person of life, from
  the moment of conception to natural death, without due process of
  law; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the 87th Texas Legislature encourages the
  delegates to the convention to consider the following recommended
  text for the proposed constitutional amendment:
         Section 1.  Given that all human life begins at the moment of
  conception and has inherent dignity and immeasurable worth, a human
  being, from the moment of conception until death, irrespective of
  biological development, age, health, function, or condition of
  dependency, is a person as that term is used in this Article and in
  the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to this Constitution;
         Section 2.  Euthanasia and abortion are unlawful under the
  laws of the United States and any territory subject to their
         Section 3.  Euthanasia includes the intentional, knowing, or
  reckless rendering of material assistance to aid another person in
  committing, or attempting to commit, suicide;
         Section 4.  Abortion includes the intentional, knowing, or
  reckless killing of any person before birth;
         Section 5.  If, in the reasonable opinion of a medical
  professional or other state or federal official, the mother is in
  danger of suffering imminent death or serious bodily injury, a
  person may be removed from the mother's body at the mother's
  election by natural or artificial methods even if the person cannot
  survive outside the mother's body;
         Section 6.  The Congress, and the several states, have power
  to enforce this Article by appropriate legislation; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That this application constitutes a continuous and
  ongoing application, in accordance with Article V of the United
  States Constitution, until: (1) the Texas Legislature considers it
  fitting to rescind the application; or (2) at least two-thirds of
  the legislatures of the several states have similarly applied for a
  convention to propose a constitutional amendment and Congress has
  performed its constitutionally obligated duty to call that
  convention; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official
  copies of this resolution to the president of the United States, to
  the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of
  Representatives of the United States Congress, and to all the
  members of the Texas delegation to Congress with the request that
  this resolution be entered in the Congressional Record as an
  application to Congress for a convention under Article V of the
  United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing an
  amendment to the constitution to prohibit abortion, euthanasia, and
  all other acts that deprive any person of life, from the moment of
  conception to natural death, without due process of law; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official
  copies of this resolution to the secretaries of state and to the
  presiding officers of the legislatures of the several states with
  the request that they join this state in applying to Congress for a
  convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for
  the limited purpose of proposing an amendment to the constitution
  to prohibit abortion, euthanasia, and all other acts that deprive
  any person of life, from the moment of conception to natural death,
  without due process of law.