H.R. No. 17
         WHEREAS, The U.S. Army 3rd Cavalry Regiment is marking the
  175th anniversary of its founding in 2021, providing a fitting
  opportunity to pay tribute to this historic unit; and
         WHEREAS, Stationed at Fort Hood in Killeen since 2006, the
  3rd Cavalry Regiment is the only heavy Armored Cavalry Regiment in
  the U.S. Army; it traces its beginnings to May 19, 1846, when the
  U.S. Congress authorized the establishment of a new military unit,
  the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen; the regiment was soon deployed
  for the Mexican-American War, and it was during this conflict that
  it earned its moniker of "Brave Rifles" and its motto of "Blood and
  Steel"; and
         WHEREAS, Assigned to Major General Winfield Scott's army, the
  riflemen saw combat in the Mexico City campaign at the Battle of
  Cerro Gordo in April 1847; on September 13 of that year, elements of
  the regiment made up the storming party on the fortress of
  Chapultepec outside the enemy capital; the next morning, the
  victorious unit raised the United States flag over the National
  Palace; and
         WHEREAS, At the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, the
  Regiment of Mounted Riflemen was redesignated as the 3rd United
  States Cavalry Regiment; in December 1862, the unit joined the
  Civil War Western Theater in Tennessee, and members of the 3rd
  Cavalry also fought in Mississippi, Alabama, and North Carolina,
  participating in the Chattanooga Campaign; at the conflict's end,
  the regiment was sent to New Mexico to help settle the frontier and
  to lend its support during the Indian Wars; and
         WHEREAS, During the Spanish-American War in 1898, the 3rd
  Cavalry played a key role in the attacks on San Juan and Kettle Hill
  and placed the first American flag at the points of victory; at the
  outbreak of World War I, the regiment transferred to Europe, and its
  squadrons operated remount depots; and
         WHEREAS, The regiment was renamed the 3rd Cavalry Group
  (Mechanized) during World War II; landing in France in August 1944,
  it spearheaded the XX Corps; the group subsequently resumed its
  garrison activities in the U.S. and took on the 3rd Armored Cavalry
  Regiment title; and
         WHEREAS, The unit was a major part of American military
  readiness throughout the Cold War, and in 1990, it was sent overseas
  as part of the XVIII Airborne Corps; it deployed to the U.S. the
  next year and in 1996 moved to Fort Carson in Colorado, where it was
  headquartered until making its home at Fort Hood; and
         WHEREAS, Among its many important missions, the 3rd Cavalry
  Regiment has seen extensive action in modern-day conflicts,
  including the Persian Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom; today,
  the unit is a highly mobile force that conducts reconnaissance,
  security, offensive, and defensive operations; and
         WHEREAS, For 175 years, the 3rd Cavalry Regiment has
  exemplified the highest ideals of the United States armed forces,
  and the many brave men and women who have served the unit are indeed
  worthy of our appreciation; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commemorate the 175th
  anniversary of the founding of the U.S. Army 3rd Cavalry Regiment
  and extend to all of its members sincere best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the 3rd Cavalry Regiment as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 17 was adopted by the House on
  September 30, 2021, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House