WHEREAS, Patricia Harlow Pangburn of Irving passed away on |
September 17, 2021, at the age of 77, following more than 30 years |
of showing cancer who was the more determined fighter; and |
WHEREAS, Born on May 4, 1944, the former Pat Harlow spent her |
early childhood in Alton, Illinois; she attended high school in |
North Texas and quickly set about making state politics more fair |
and more fun; a staunch Democrat, she brought to countless |
campaigns both iron-willed idealism and formidable skill as a |
fundraiser and street-smart strategist; she took on the powerful |
with gusto and relished opportunities to facilitate the rise of |
women in Texas Democratic politics; in 1990, she played a key role |
in the successful gubernatorial run of Ann Richards, who later |
appointed her chair of the Texas Racing Commission; while |
recognizing the impact of public policy, she also found politics |
wildly amusing and loved to laugh at the foibles of its |
practitioners, whether her opponents or herself; and |
WHEREAS, She met her future husband, Dr. Howard Pangburn, |
when she was a college student seeking a quick filling at the dental |
school; they married in 1967 and lived in Turkey during his military |
service; after settling in Southlake and then Irving, Ms. Pangburn |
raised two children, Leslie and Brent, in between political battles |
and sudden skirmishes with ideological adversaries; every year, she |
and her husband reprised their first date at the opening day of the |
Texas State Fair; she eventually became the proud grandmother of |
Carson and Addison, and when not vacationing with them, she loved |
sending them silly videos and having long FaceTime chats; endowed |
with remarkable people skills, she cultivated an ever-widening |
circle of friends, among them the members of the Pat PAC, a rowdy |
lunch and politics group known for its ability to empty nearby |
restaurant tables; she knew everything about everyone and delighted |
in connecting like-minded individuals, as well as helping friends, |
neighbors, and even casual acquaintances through failed romances, |
family feuds, professional disasters, and personal crises; in |
addition, she doted on her many pets, including H. Ross Parrot, |
taught to do a memorable impression of his namesake, and Motts III, |
an adored and adoring Bouvier des Flandres; and |
WHEREAS, Pat Pangburn worked tirelessly to make the world a |
better place while brightening the days of all who knew her, and |
they will forever treasure their memories of time spent in her |
company; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the life of |
Patricia Harlow Pangburn and extend sincere sympathy to her loved |
ones; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Pat |
Pangburn. |