87S30425 TBO-D
  By: King of Hemphill H.R. No. 80
         WHEREAS, Family and friends will long cherish their memories
  of George W. Arrington of Canadian, who passed away on April 14,
  2021, at the age of 88; and
         WHEREAS, The son of French and Ollie Arrington, George
  Arrington was born in Fort Worth on January 26, 1933, and he grew up
  with the companionship of a sister, Ann, and a twin brother,
  William; after graduating from the New Mexico Military Institute in
  Roswell, he earned a bachelor's degree in finance from the
  University of Oklahoma; later, he attended law school at the
  University of Tulsa and Oklahoma City University, and he received a
  juris doctor degree in 1966; and
         WHEREAS, While studying law, Mr. Arrington was employed at
  Cities Service Oil Company, where he remained for 10 years before
  relocating to Canadian and becoming an independent worker in the
  oil and gas industry; additionally, he owned and operated the
  Arrington family ranch in Hemphill County; and
         WHEREAS, Highly engaged in civic life, Mr. Arrington was
  active in the Republican Party; he was a member of the Canadian City
  Council for four years, and he served as mayor of Canadian for six
  years; moreover, he was appointed to the Governor's Committee on
  Aging and to the Red River Authority of Texas board, which he
  further served as president; he also led the Panhandle-Plains
  Historical Society in Canyon as president; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Arrington shared a loving union with his wife,
  Jane, that spanned six decades until her passing in 2014; he took
  great pride in their children, Cathy, Julie, and Mike, and over the
  years, he was further blessed with 8 grandchildren and 11
  great-grandchildren; sustained by a deep faith, he was a longtime
  member of the First Presbyterian Church of Canadian, and he served
  as an elder, delegate to the general assembly, and commissioner of
  the Palo Duro Presbytery; and
         WHEREAS, A devoted family man and a dedicated public servant,
  George Arrington lived a rich and purposeful life, and he leaves
  behind a record of service that will forever remain a source of
  inspiration; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the memory
  of George W. Arrington and extend heartfelt sympathy to all who
  mourn his passing; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of George