87S30538 JGH-D
  By: Shine H.R. No. 99
         WHEREAS, Amanda Coots is being recognized as a Distinguished
  Alumna of the Temple Independent School District at the annual
  awards dinner of the Temple Education Foundation on October 21,
  2021; and
         WHEREAS, Each autumn, the TEF awards gala raises funds for
  student scholarships and innovative teaching grants; the event also
  offers an opportunity for the foundation to honor distinguished
  alumni who have gone on to successful careers; and
         WHEREAS, Amanda Coots graduated in the top five of her class
  at Temple High School in 2001, and she went on to earn her
  bachelor's and master's degrees in computer engineering from Texas
  A&M University; during her studies, she began working for NASA as a
  cooperative education student, and in 2007, she joined the space
  agency full time; and
         WHEREAS, Today, this dynamic woman is a flight controller and
  instructor for the International Space Station, and she and her
  team also plan, train, and assist flying operations for the Orion
  spacecraft, manned commercial vehicles, and the Lunar Gateway
  project; in addition, she is helping to inspire and educate the next
  generation of scientists and engineers as a board member of Texas
  Odyssey, which sponsors a creative problem-solving competition for
  students; and
         WHEREAS, A proud daughter of Temple, Amanda Coots has built
  upon the strong educational foundation she received in the
  community's schools to pursue an impressive and fulfilling career,
  and she is a worthy recipient of this prestigious award; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Amanda Coots
  on her recognition as a Distinguished Alumna of the Temple
  Independent School District and extend to her sincere best wishes
  for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Coots as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.