87S30953 JGH-D
  By: Johnson of Dallas H.R. No. 149
         WHEREAS, Raveen Arora of Irving was one of the nominees for
  the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, and this achievement truly merits
  special recognition; and
         WHEREAS, Established by Alfred Nobel in 1895, the Nobel Peace
  Prize is presented each year to a person, persons, or organization
  that has worked for the promotion of peace and fraternity between
  nations; the first prize was awarded in 1901, and in 2021, there
  were 329 candidates from around the globe; and
         WHEREAS, Raveen Arora was born in a refugee camp in the Punjab
  region of India in 1948, and he grew up poor in the city of Kolkata;
  around the age of seven, he met Mother Teresa when she visited his
  school, and at age 11, he met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; after
  earning degrees in accounting, finance, and business management in
  India, he worked as a chartered accountant while also serving as an
  officer of the Lions Club and giving generously of his time to a
  number of charitable organizations, including the Missionaries of
  Charity founded by Mother Teresa; and
         WHEREAS, In 1981, Mr. Arora moved to Los Angeles and started
  a successful financial consultancy, and after retiring in 2002, he
  relocated to Tempe, Arizona, where he became involved in many
  philanthropic endeavors; he created India Plaza to rejuvenate a
  depressed part of the city and showcase a variety of Indian
  businesses, and he also served on the boards of numerous
  organizations, including United Food Bank, the Tempe Chamber of
  Commerce, the Tempe Community Council, Project Humanities at
  Arizona State University, and Sister Cities International;
  moreover, he spent countless hours distributing bottled water and
  meals to the homeless as well as providing financial assistance to
  local college students and recently arrived immigrants; he also
  traveled to more than 90 countries to deliver humanitarian aid; and
         WHEREAS, In 2021, Mr. Arora moved to Irving to be close to his
  daughter and his grandchildren, and he continues to serve others
  through his Think Human global initiative, a grassroots
  organization which he established in 2016 to promote empathy,
  diversity, and inclusion; he was nominated for the Nobel Peace
  Prize by Satish Lakhotia, the founder of an Indian service
  organization, and the nomination has received nearly 70
  endorsements; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his life, Raveen Arora has donated much
  of his time and energy to carrying out good works in his community
  and around the world, and in so doing, he has earned the high esteem
  of innumerable people; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Raveen Arora
  on his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and extend to him
  sincere best wishes for continued success with his important work;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Arora as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.