2021S0558-1 09/16/21
  By: Whitmire S.R. No. 22
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas joins the
  citizens of Houston in mourning the loss of Dr. Stephen
  Chmaitelli, who died August 15, 2021; and
         WHEREAS, A beloved member of the community, Stephen
  Chmaitelli was known for his generosity and his enthusiasm for
  living each day to the fullest, and he touched the lives of many
  through his work as a veterinarian; and
         WHEREAS, Stephen Chmaitelli was born on September 28,
  1975; he graduated from Texas A&M University, where he was a
  member of the Singing Cadets and was a Walk-on 12th Man; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Chmaitelli practiced both large and small
  veterinary medicine, and much of his work was pro bono; he worked
  for a time in Africa on a mission to save rhinoceroses; he
  practiced in Austin and in Carthage, and in 2015, he established
  Garden Oaks Veterinary Clinic in Houston; he was known as a
  brilliant veterinarian who followed his intuition, and he was an
  active member of the Texas Veterinary Medicine Association Board
  of Directors; and
         WHEREAS, Guided in all things by his kind spirit,
  Dr. Chmaitelli fostered a warm and friendly work environment,
  and he will be dearly missed by a staff that he treated like
  family; his warmth extended to his clients and to the animals in
  his care, and he was known for rescuing and patiently healing
  stray animals that had been destined for euthanasia; and
         WHEREAS, Stephen Chmaitelli was a skilled rugby player and
  enjoyed horsemanship, and he was an avid fan of the Houston
  Astros, good country music, and Lebanese cuisine; he was held in
  high esteem by his colleagues and was beloved by his friends and
  clients, and he will long be remembered with respect and
  admiration by all who were privileged to share in his life; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 87th
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby extend sincere
  condolences to the bereaved family of Dr. Stephen Chmaitelli;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  his family as an expression of deepest sympathy from the Texas
  Senate and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so in
  memory of Stephen Chmaitelli.