Daily House Calendar

Tuesday, October 12, 2021



********** MAJOR STATE CALENDAR **********

HB 1                Hunter

Relating to the composition of districts for the election of members of the Texas House of Representatives.




H.B. 1


Section 1.  This rule for floor consideration of H.B. 1 is proposed by the Committee on Calendars, pursuant to House Rule 3, Section 4(2).  The rule will be effective if it is approved by the house, in accordance with House Rule 6, Section 16(f).

Section 2.  For each original amendment that will be offered during second reading consideration of the bill, the amendment elements required by Section 3(a) must be submitted to the chief clerk by 6 p.m on Sunday, October 10th.

Section 3.  (a)  No proposed amendment, amendment to the amendment, or substitute amendment changing any district is eligible for consideration on any reading unless the amendment includes:

 (1)  a reference to the plan number assigned by the redistricting computer system operated by the Texas Legislative Council; and

(2)  the following required amendment elements that have been prepared by TLC and submitted or made available electronically to the chief clerk:

 (A)  a general written description of the proposed changes, including district numbers and the names of counties affected, if the amendment does not propose a statewide substitute plan;

(B)  maps prepared by TLC indicating changes made by the amendment; and

(C)  standard reports prepared by TLC that indicate population, voter data, and incumbent locations for the districts affected by the amendment.

 (b)  No proposed amendment, amendment to the amendment, or substitute amendment changing any district is eligible for consideration on any reading if adoption of the amendment would result in:

 (1)  any district composed of non-contiguous territory; or

(2)  any unassigned territory or districts with overlapping territory in the overall redistricting plan under consideration.