Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select Committee
October 6, 2021 - 11:00 AM
For :
Brown, Curtis (Self)
Capper, David (Self)
Case Pickens, Liz (Self)
Castle, Mary E (Texas Values Action)
Collins, Brandon (Self)
Couter, Matthew (Self)
Covey, Jonathan (Texas Values Action)
Friese, Lauren (Self)
Glover, Jill (Self; Republican Party of Texas)
Gutierrez, Daniel (Self)
Hemphill, Sheila (Self; Texas Right To Know)
Hettinger, Ann (Self; Concerned Womwn for America of Texas)
Kelting, Deborah (Self; Texas Republican Party)
Lucas, Sandi (Self)
Mason, Bryce (Self)
Mompoint, Christine (Self)
Nobis, Tom (Self; The Republican Party of Texas)
Pickren, Julie (Self)
Pickup, David (Self; Alliance and American College of Pediatrcians)
Richey, Sheila (Self)
Roberts, Marco (Log Cabin Republicans of Texas)
Robinson, Karon (Self)
Saenz, Jonathan (Self; Texas Values)
Simmons, Lea (Self)
Smith, Mary (Self; Concerned women for america)
Smith, Ryan (Self)
Smith, Ryan (Self)
Smith, Tailynn (Self)
Smith, Trenton (Self)
Stallone, Donna (Self)
Stringer, Jocelyn (Self)
Stuart, Kevin (Austin Institute)
Swirsky, Alexie (Self)
Thomas, Teresa (Self)
Vega, Aidyn (Self)
Vega, Alazae (Self)
Vega, Richard (Self)
Vornkahl, Marilyn (Self)
Wall, KatHaleen (Self)
Webb, Zack (Self)
Weisman, Craig (Self)
Against :
Albert Donovan, Carolyn (Self)
Anderson, Marc (Visit San Antonio)
Asher, Kayden (Self)
Atkinson, Steve (Self)
Beltran, Vanessa (Self; Girls Empowerment Network)
Bercu, Stephani (Self)
Bersoux, Alec (Self)
Briggle, Amber (Self)
Bryant, Rebekah (Self)
Bryant, Sunny (Self)
Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select Committee
Bullard, Becky (Self)
Carlisle, Geoffrey (Self)
Carmona, Gordy (Self; Stripes of Pride)
Carnes, Molly (Self)
Carranza, Claudia (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Cothron, Annaliese (Self)
Cox, Cece (Self; Resource Center Dallas)
Day, Erik (Self; Dell Technologies)
DeBill, Valerie (Self; The League of Women Voters of Texas)
DeChants, Jonah (Self; The Trevor Project)
Dholakia, Gloria (Self)
Diaz, Aiden (Self)
Diaz, Edward (Self)
Diaz, Michael (Self; Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ)
Dupre, Alicia (Self)
Elder, Helen Ann (Self)
Epstein, Eliza (Self)
Esparza, Servando (TechNet)
Esperanza, Catherine (Self)
Fears, Kennedy (Self; Texas Rising)
Foster, Linzy (Self)
Galvan, Ric (Self; Texas Rising)
Giles, Mandy (Self; PFLAG Houston)
Gonzales, Cecilia (Self)
Gonzales, Libby (Self)
Gonzales, Rachel (Self; Representing Self and HRC Parents for Trans Equality Council)
Gray, Jane (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Herrera, Isabel (Self; Texas Rising)
Hill, Rachel (Self)
Holley-Hurt, Carrie (Self; First unitarian universalist church of austin)
Hunter, Adrienne (Self; Texas Queer & Trans Student Alliance)
James, Isaac (Self; GLSEN Austin)
Johnson, Remington (Self)
Kaufman, Laur (Self)
Kenyon, Cassidy (Self)
Krajcer, Karen (Self)
Labowitz, Sarah (Self; ACLU of Texas)
Lackey, Carson (Self)
Lackey, Holt (Self; Equality Texas)
Laird, Kathleen (Self)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL-CIO)
Latham Sikes, Chloe (Self; IDRA (Intercultural Development Research Association))
Lersch, Heidi (Self)
Ligon, Katharine (Self; Houston LGBTQ Political Caucus)
Limones, Delma Catalina (Self; AVOW)
Lopez, Armando (Self)
Martin, Rebecca (Self; National Association of Social Workers Texas Chapter)
Martinez, Ricardo (Self; Equality Texas)
McSwain, James (Self)
Miller, Danielle (Self)
Mongonia, Kennedi (Self)
Moore-Embry, Hillary (Self)
Newbery, Sarah (Self)
Pemberton, Hannah (Self; National Association of Social Workers- Texas Chapter)
Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select Committee
Perdue, Stephanie (Self)
Perez, Adri (Self; Aclu of texas)
Pilgrim, Lisa (Self)
Pritchett, Brad (Self)
Rangel, Alexis (Self; National Center for Transgender Equality)
Richie, Aaron (Self)
Richie, Landon (Self; Representing Self and Transgender Education Network of Texas)
Rind, Danielle (Self)
Rodriguez, Lauren (Self)
Salcido, Robert (Self; Pride Center San Antonio)
Schelling, Lydia (Self)
Shortall, Jessica (Self; Texas Competes Action)
Skeen, Shelly (Self; Lamba Legal)
Stanton, Lisa (Self)
Stanton, Maya (Self)
Stern, Maggie (Self; Children's Defense Fund - Texas)
Strangio, Chase (Self; American Civil Liberties Union)
Summers, Suzanne (Self)
Topping, Vivian (Self; Equality Federation)
Warbelow, Sarah (Human Rights Campaign)
Woodward, Dennis (Self; St Peter United on Longpoint in Houston)
Yoder, Jennifer (Self)
On :
Harrison, Jamey (UIL)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Almendarez, Benito (Self)
Bollom, Judith (Self)
Buck, Danielle (Self)
Campbell, Payton (Self)
Chhin, Rachana (Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)
Coleman, Cindi (Self)
Dashiell, Thomas (Self)
Florance, Eric (Self)
Florance, Martha (Self)
Hagan, Leah (Self; BizPac)
Harris, Adam (Self)
Jordana, Sarah (Self)
Nezami, Roxanna (Self)
Reeves, Vicki (Self)
Against :
Adams, Jefferson (Self)
Alesch, Emily (Self)
Andersen, Alexander (Self)
Anderson, Kristy (Self)
Anoo, Medha (Self)
Aquino, John (Self; Human Rights Campaign)
Arnold, Frances (Self)
Arrambide, Aimee (Self; Avow)
Balling, Thayne (Self)
Barsalou, Denee (Self)
Bautista, Lourdes (Self)
Baza, Janna (Self)
Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select Committee
Bell, Evangeline (Self)
Bercu, Joel (Self)
Bier, Marti (Self; Texas Freedom Network)
Bishop, Meg (Self)
Blankenship, Luke (Self)
Boswell, Lynn (Self)
Bryant, Chet (Self)
Bursey, Molly (Self)
Chandler, Brad (Self)
Chavez, Matt (Self)
Chavez, Sarah (Self)
Cheng, Ashley (Self)
Chun, Ginger (Self)
Ciszek, Erica (Self)
Clark, Richard (Self)
Clem, Ted (Self)
Clubb, Sam (Self)
Cohen, Jessica (Self)
Cole, Aja (Self; Texas Rising)
Cooley, Jordan (Self)
Cox-walker, Sarah (Self)
Coyle, Jeff (City of San Antonio)
Coyne, Katie (Self)
Cranston, Catherine (Self; Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas)
Cranston, Ron (Self)
De La Cruz-Luera, Jax (Self)
Decker, Julz (Self)
DeLuna Castro, Eva (Self)
Dooley, Zara (Self)
Dow, Jim (Amazon)
Duran, Stephanie (Self)
Dusek, Jeremiah (Self)
Dusek, Vera (Self)
Eddings, Teresa (Self)
Eiserloh, Laurie (Self)
Exter, Monty (Self; The Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE))
Fierro-Perez, Rocio (Self; Texas Freedom Network)
Fournier, Selena (Self)
Franco, Brie (City of Austin)
Freeman, Noel (Self)
Galindo, Erika (Self; Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity)
Gaunichaux, Angelo (Self)
Gilberg, Julie (Self)
Giles, Indigo (Self)
Giles, Mars (Self)
Giles, Neil (Self)
Gomez, Diana (Self; Progress Texas)
Gonzalez, Ana (Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gonzalez, Juilanna (Self)
Green, Laney (Self)
Griffith, Carrie (Texas state teachers assoociation)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Gritton, Jessica (Self)
Guidangen, Jason (Self; Equality Texas)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hale, Angela (Texas Competes)
Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select Committee
Hale, Angela (McKinney Chamber of Commerce)
Hale, Angela (Dallas GLBT Chamber of Commerce)
Hale, Angela (Austin LGBT Chamber of Commerce)
Hale, Angela (Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce)
Hale, Angela (Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce)
Hale, Angela (San Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce)
Hale, Angela (Austin Chamber of Commerce)
Hale, Angela (Cedar Park Chamber of Commerce)
Hansel, Silvia Nora (Self)
Harter, Bridget (Self)
Hays, Susan (Self)
Henson, Reese (Self)
Hobson, Todla (Self)
Hobson, Todla (Self)
Holguin, Eric (Self; LULAC Para Todos #22399)
Hood, Timothy (Self)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Howard, Erica (Self)
Huber, Lindsay (Self)
Hughes, Hannah (Self)
Humphrey, Patrick (Vivent Health)
Hurtado, Rene (Self)
Hutchinson, Kathryn (Self)
Iris, Ashley (Self)
Jackman, Beatrix (Self)
Kafka, Bob (Self; ADAPT of Texas)
Kane, Gabriela (Self)
Kang, Sungjae (Self)
Kapostasy, Sarah (Self)
Kerns, Susanne (Self)
Kim, Daniel (Self)
Kincaid, Jeannette (Self)
Knight, Preston (Self)
Kopp, Emilie (Self)
Lakshmanan, Rekha (Self)
Laminack, Cassidy (Self)
Landry, Sydnee (Self)
Lavelle, Tanya (Self)
Lee, Katie (Self)
Lee, Linda (Self)
Lees, Connolly (Self)
Lineberger, Mallory (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Self; Texas Freedom Network)
Lovitt, Matthew (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)
Lugo, Priscilla (Self)
Mack, Susan (Self)
Mandel, Julia (Self; Texas Freedom Network)
Manzanares, Lesly (Self)
Marques, Rebecca (Self)
Martin, Emily (Self)
Matherne, Brenda (Self)
Matherne, James (Self)
Mcgowan, Haley (Self)
McNeel, Susette (Self)
Mcneely, Eli (Self)
Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select Committee
Medellin, Lacie (Self)
Meed, Alex (Self)
Melendrez, Eli (Texas AFT)
Mercer, Kathryn (Self)
Mohr Boleware, Alison (Self; National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)
Molnar, Eve (Self)
Montgomery, Belynda (Self)
Naranjo, Katie (Self; Travis County DemocraticParty)
Nguyen, Angela (Self)
Nitsch, Julie (Self)
Nutter, Emilie (Self)
Olson, Lori (Self)
Pacheco, Felix (Self)
Pacheco, Kathryn (Self)
Padgett, Jackie (Self; IGC)
Padgett, Will (Self)
Park, Danielle (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Pham, Nathan (Self)
Plaza, Valerie (Self)
Pollack, Cindy (Self)
Pollack, Jake (Self)
Pollack, Jana (Self)
Pollack, Jordyn (Self)
Pollack, Marc (Self)
Porter, Juniper (Self)
Presby-Gaines, Kayley (Self)
Prosser, Anton (Self)
Puente, Jaime (Every Texan (Formerly CPPP))
Rains, Jessica (Self)
Ramón, Ana (TLEEC (Texas Legislative Education Equity Coalition))
Rhodes, Christopher (Self)
Rhodes, Courtney (Self)
Riley, Lis (Self)
Riley, Winifred (Self)
Robins, Abigail (Self)
Rodriguez, Jennifer (North Texas Commission)
Sabo, Jason (Children at Risk)
Savoie, Melissa (Self)
Schelling, Emmett (Self; Transgender Education Network of Texas)
Shapiro, Emily (Self)
Shappley, Kai (Self)
Shappley, Kimberly (Self)
Shead, Matthew (Self)
Shead, Esq., Jim F.U. (Self)
Skidmore, Danielle (Self)
Slattery, James (Self; Texas Civil Rights Project)
Slaymaker, Erika (Self)
Smith, Julia (Self)
Spiers, Jonathan (Self)
Steel, Ben (Self)
Steinfeld Childre, Nathalie (Self)
Stevenson, Troy (Self)
Steward, Jesse (Self)
Stewart, Kevin (Texas Psychological Association)
Story, Wesley (Self; Progress Texas)
Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select Committee
Sullivan, Timothy (Self)
Tamayo, Elisa (Self)
Thornton, Bis (Self; Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Students for Environmental
and Social Justice)
Travis, Clayton (Texas Pediatric Society)
Tumbusch, Adelae (Self)
Tumbusch, Dani (Self)
Tumbusch, Ellie (Self)
Tumbusch, Laney (Self)
Vandom, Alexis (Self)
Velez-Rivera, Krisia (Self)
Villanueva, Chandra (Self)
Villela, Cassie (Self)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Walsh, Deirdre (Self; IGC)
Whitfield, Hilary (Self)
Wildman, Tal (Self)
Williams, Amanda (Self)
Williams, Paige (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)
Wilson, Mary (Self)
Womack, Daniel (Dow, Inc.)
Yado, Sissi (Self)
Yeagee, Laura (Self)
Ziegelman, Julie (Self)
Zummo, Rachel (Self)