SB 51

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

              October 14, 2021 - 3:00 PM


                                          Davis, Lauren    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Dallas, TX

                                          De Marines, Regan    (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texans for Vaccine

                                          Choice), Austin, TX

                                          Hemphill, Sheila    (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas Right To Know),

                                          Brady, TX

                                          Hodges, Bradley    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Novlan, Sarah    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Jonestown, TX

                                          Oz, Merle Slifkin   MD  (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Texas, TX

                                          Page, Sheila   Dr  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Association of American

                                          Physicians and Surgeons), Aledo, TX

                                          Porter, Gregory    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Priestly Siffert, Elizabeth    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Houston, TX

                                          Schlegel, Jackie   Execuitve director  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texans for

                                          vaccine choice), Arlington texas, TX

                                          Stallone, Donna    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Cypress texas, TX

                                          Weisman, Craig    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Franklin, TX

                                          Young, Clayton   MD  (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , The Woodlands, TX


                                          Carlo, John   Physician  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; TMA and TPS), Dallas,


                                          Carranza, Susana   Dr.  (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Chhin, Rachana   Legislative Counsel  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Catholic

                                          Conference of Bishops), Austin, TX

                                          Gray, James    (also providing written testimony)  (American Cancer Society Cancer

                                          Action Network), Austin, TX

                                          Houston, Joshua   Advocacy Director  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Impact),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Jackson, Wroe    (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Association of Manufacturers),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Meyer, Alyse   VP of Advocacy  (also providing written testimony)  (LeadingAge Texas),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Milligan, Maureen   President and CEO  (also providing written testimony)  (Teaching

                                          hospotals of texas), Austin, TX

                                          Olson, Hill    (also providing written testimony)  (The Immunization Partnership), League

                                          City, TX

                                          Parsley, Lee    (also providing written testimony)  (Texans for Lawsuit Reform), Austin,


                                          Spilman, Annie   State Director  (also providing written testimony)  (NFIB), Austin, TX

                                          Tilton, Carmen    (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Assisted Living Association),

                                          Austin, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 51

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

                                          Warren, Kevin    (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Health Care Association),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Wohleb, Steve   General Counsel  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Hospital

                                          Association), Austin, TX


                                          Richardson, Dawn    (also providing written testimony)  (Self; National Vaccine

                                          Information Center), Austin, TX

                       Providing written testimony:


                                          Covey, Jonathan   Policy Director  (Texas Values Action), Austin, TX

                                          Glass, Tom    (Self; Texas Constitutional Enforcement), Hockley, TX


                                          Acuna, Luis    (Texas 2036), Austin, TX

                                          Beneski, Amy    (Texas Association of School Administrators), Austin, TX

                                          Borskey, Mark   Mr.  (Texas Trucking Association), Austin, TX

                                          Borskey, Mark   Mr.  (Texas Recreational Vehicle Association), Austin, TX

                                          Bratton, Pamela   Vice President  (Texas Society of Human Resource Management),

                                          Dripping Springs, TX

                                          Coyle, Jeff   Assistant city manager  (City of San Antonio), San Antonio, TX

                                          DeWitt, Cathy    (Texas Association of Staffing), Austin, TX

                                          Franco, Brie    (City of Austin), Austin, TX

                                          Garcia, Matthew   SVP - Public Policy  (Dallas Regional Chamber), Dallas, TX

                                          Geske, Matthew   VP  (Austin Chamber), Austin, TX

                                          Hamer, Glenn   President & CEO  (Texas Association of Business), Austin, TX

                                          Humphrey, Patrick    (Greater Houston Partnership), Austin, TX

                                          Iris, Ashley    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Keffer, Jim    (San Antonio Chamber of Commerce), Austin, TX

                                          Keffer, Jim    (Texas Academy of Physicians Assistants), Austin, TX

                                          Lacy, Sarah    (City of Houston), Austin, TX

                                          Lara, Rene   Legislative Dir.  (Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX

                                          Longoria, Ruben   Assistant Director Government Relations  (Texas Association of School

                                          Boards), Austin, TX

                                          Morales, Daniel   VP, Government Affairs  (Houston Methodist Hospital), Houston, TX

                                          Parker, Blaire    (San Antonio Water System (SAWS)), San Antonio, TX

                                          Puthoff, Elizabeth   Vice President for Research and Policy Analysis  (Independent

                                          Colleges & Universities of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Reynolds, David    (Texas Chapter American College of Physicians), Austin, TX

                                          Rose, Denise    (Community Health Systems), Austin, TX

                                          Sabo, Jason    (Children at Risk), Austin, TX

                                          Sheer, Jim    (Texas Retailers Association), Austin, TX

                                          Sims, Carol    (Texas Civil Justice League), Austin, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 51

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

                                          Travis, Clayton   Director of Advocacy  (Texas Public Health Coalition), Austin, TX

                                          Vasek, Heather    (DHR Health 5501 McColl Rd Edinburg TX 78539), Austin, TX

                                          Woodard, Shayne    (Tyson Foods), Austin, TX
