Amend CSHB 3 (committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 8, line 27, insert the following:
Sec. 418A.0071. COMPENSATION FOR GOVERNMENTAL ACTION.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), a business owner is entitled to compensation from a political subdivision for losses caused to the owner's business by an order issued by the political subdivision that:
(1)  closes a business permanently or temporarily; or
(2)  effectively closes a business by:
(A)  limiting the business's operations to the extent that the business owner cannot effectively maintain the business; or
(B)  ordering customers not to patronize the business.
(b)  A business owner is not entitled to compensation under Subsection (a) if the political subdivision can demonstrate that the primary reason for the governmental action was:
(1)  a judicial finding that the business:
(A)  was a nuisance under Chapter 125, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Chapter 341 or 343, Health and Safety Code, or common law; or
(B)  violated other law; or
(2)  a finding that the business or owner failed to:
(A)  acquire or maintain a license required by the governmental entity for the business;
(B)  file or maintain records required by the secretary of state; or
(C)  pay taxes.
Sec. 418A.0072. ACTION AGAINST POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. (a) A business owner may bring an action against a political subdivision for compensation for damages caused to the business by a governmental action described by Section 418A.0071(a).
(b)  An action under this chapter may be brought in a district court in any county in which the business is located.
Sec. 418A.0073. WAIVER OF GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY; PERMISSION TO SUE.  Sovereign and governmental immunity to suit and from liability is waived and abolished to the extent of liability created by Sections 418A.0071 and 0072.