Amend CSHB 3 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 11, strike line 11 and substitute the following:
(2)  Section 418.0155;
(3)  Sections 418.016(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e);
(2)  On page 11, line 12, strike "(3)" and substitute "(4)"
(3)  On page 11, insert the following between lines 12 and 13 and renumber the remaining subdivisions accordingly:
(5)  Section 418.020(c);
(4)  On page 11, insert the following between lines 14 and 15:
(c)  The governor may not suspend a state agency order or rule except as specifically authorized by this chapter. The governor may suspend the orders or rules of a state agency if strict compliance with the orders or rules would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action or prompt response in coping with a pandemic disaster.
(d)  During a pandemic disaster declared by the governor and notwithstanding any other law, the contracting requirements in Subtitle D, Title 10, that inhibit or prevent prompt response to a pandemic disaster do not apply to a state agency in contracting for goods or services related to the declared pandemic disaster.
(e)  On request of a political subdivision, the governor may waive or suspend a deadline imposed by the orders or rules of a state agency on the political subdivision, including a deadline relating to a budget or ad valorem tax, if the waiver or suspension is reasonably necessary to cope with a pandemic disaster.
(f)  Under regulations prescribed by the governor, the governor may temporarily suspend or modify for a period of not more than 60 days any public health, safety, zoning, intrastate transportation, or other regulation if by proclamation the governor considers the suspension or modification essential to provide temporary housing or emergency shelter for pandemic disaster victims.
(g)  The governor's office, using existing resources, shall compile and maintain a comprehensive list of state agency rules that may require suspension during a pandemic disaster.
(h)  On request by the governor's office, a state agency that would be impacted by the suspension of a rule on the list compiled under Subsection (g) shall review the list for accuracy and shall advise the governor's office regarding any rules that should be added to the list.