Amend CSHB 12 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 3, line 15, strike "may" and substitute "shall".
(2)  On page 3, strike lines 18 through 25 and substitute the following:
(a-1)  An alert system developed under this subchapter must be based on the findings of the study conducted under Section 418.3015. This subsection expires September 1, 2027.
(3)  On page 3, lines 26 and 27, strike "that chooses to participate in an alert system implemented under this subchapter".
(4)  On page 4, line 1, strike "that purpose" and substitute "the purpose of participating in an alert system implemented under this subchapter".
(5)  On page 4, line 5, strike "public utility" and substitute "local governmental entity and public utility in this state".
(6)  On page 4, line 7, strike "may" and substitute "shall".
(7)  On page 4, line 19, strike "may" and substitute "shall".
(8)  On page 4, line 21, strike "participating".
(9)  On page 4, line 21, strike "may" and substitute "shall".
(10)  On page 4, line 26, strike "may" and substitute "shall".
(11)  On page 5, line 1, strike "entities".
(12)  On page 5, line 4, strike "and".
(13)  On page 5, line 6, strike the underlined period and substitute "; and".
(14)  On page 5, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following:
(4)  customers served by the public utility.
(15)  On page 5, line 9, strike "may" and substitute "shall".
(16)  On page 5, line 24, strike "may" and substitute "shall".
(17)  On page 6, line 7, strike "if applicable,".