Amend CSHB 20 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 4, line 26, strike "within 48 hours of" and substitute "as soon as practicable but not later than 48 hours after".
(2) On page 8, line 12, strike "and minimum amount of bail" and substitute ", if any, and minimum amount of bail, if any".
(3) On page 9, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following:
(f) In making a bail decision under this article, a magistrate may direct either of the following to monitor the defendant's compliance with a condition of bond set by the magistrate:
(1) the personal bond office established under Article 17.42 for the county in which the defendant is being detained; or
(2) the community supervision and corrections department established under Section 76.002, Government Code, for the county in which the defendant is being detained.
(4) Strike page 11, lines 6 through 13, and substitute the following:
Art. 17.15. RULES FOR SETTING [FIXING] AMOUNT OF BAIL. (a) The amount of bail and the associated conditions of bail to be required in any case are [is] to be regulated by the court, judge, magistrate, or officer taking the bail in accordance with Articles 17.20, 17.21, and 17.22 and [; they] are [to be] governed [in the exercise of this discretion] by the Constitution and [by] the following rules:
(1) [1.] The amount of bail, if any, and associated conditions of bail, if any, shall be sufficient [sufficiently high] to give reasonable assurance that the undertaking will be complied with.