Amend CSHB 103 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 2, line 14, between "agency" and "regarding", insert "or as the department determines appropriate to assist a local law enforcement agency".
(2) On page 2, lines 15-16, strike "in a 50-mile radius of the active shooter's location".
(3) On page 2, line 17, between "agency" and the underlined colon, insert "or department".
(4) On page 2, line 24, strike "the department with".
(5) On page 4, line 10, between "director" and "determines", insert "or a local law enforcement agency".
(6) On page 4, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following:
Sec. 411.380. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. The department or a local law enforcement agency is not liable for failure to activate the alert system.