Amend CSHB 547 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 7, strike "Section 33.0832" and substitute "Sections 33.0832 and 33.08321".
(2) On page 4, between lines 3 and 4, insert the following:
Sec. 33.08321. ACCESS TO UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE SPONSORED ACTIVITIES FOR STUDENTS UNDER SUPERVISION OF TEXAS JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. (a) The University Interscholastic League shall provide students receiving educational services under the supervision of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department with the opportunity to participate in activities sponsored by the league in the same manner that the league provides the opportunity to participate to students enrolled in public schools.
(b) The University Interscholastic League shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department regarding the policies governing:
(1) the conditions of eligibility for students under the supervision of the department in activities sponsored by the league, including:
(A) age of students eligible to participate;
(B) academic performance requirements for students; and
(C) standards of behavior for students;
(2) the appropriate league in which students under the supervision of the department will participate; and
(3) the duties of the department regarding other policies of the league, including fees, insurance, and transportation.