Amend HB 1281 on third reading as follows:
(1) Strike page 1, lines 9 through 13 and substitute the following:
(A) that is a residential subdivision as defined by Section 209.002(9), Property Code;
(B) that has in place a uniform set of restrictive covenants; or
(C) [and
[(B)] for which a county or municipality has approved one or more plats [a plat];
(2) Strike "two" and substitute "five [two]" in each of the following places:
(A) page 1, line 19; and
(B) page 2, line 13.
(3) Strike page 2, lines 3 through 7 and substitute the following:
(A) that is a residential subdivision as defined by Section 209.002(9), Property Code;
(B) that has in place a uniform set of restrictive covenants; or
(C) [and
[(B)] for which a county or municipality has approved one or more plats [a plat];