Amend CSHB 1525 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Section 31.0211(c), Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
(c)  Subject to Subsection (d), funds allotted under this section may be used to:
(1)  purchase:
(A)  materials on the list adopted by the commissioner, as provided by Section 31.0231;
(B)  instructional materials, regardless of whether the instructional materials are on the list adopted under Section 31.024;
(C)  consumable instructional materials, including workbooks;
(D)  instructional materials for use in bilingual education classes, as provided by Section 31.029;
(E)  instructional materials for use in college preparatory courses under Section 28.014, as provided by Section 31.031;
(F)  supplemental instructional materials, as provided by Section 31.035;
(G)  state-developed open education resource instructional materials, as provided by Subchapter B-1;
(H)  instructional materials and technological equipment under any continuing contracts of the district in effect on September 1, 2011;
(I)  technological equipment necessary to support the use of materials included on the list adopted by the commissioner under Section 31.0231 or any instructional materials purchased with an allotment under this section; and
(J)  inventory software or systems for storing, managing, and accessing instructional materials and analyzing the usage and effectiveness of the instructional materials; and
(2)  pay:
(A)  for training educational personnel directly involved in student learning in the appropriate use of instructional materials and for providing for access to technological equipment for instructional use; [and]
(B)  the salary and other expenses of an employee who provides technical support for the use of technological equipment directly involved in student learning; and
(C)  for costs associated with distance learning, including Wi-Fi, Internet access hotspots, wireless network service, broadband service, and other services and technological equipment necessary to facilitate Internet access.
(2)  On page 24, line 3, strike "This" and substitute "(a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, this".
(3)  On page 24, immediately after line 3, insert the following:
(b)  Section 31.0211(c), Education Code, as amended by this Act, takes effect immediately if this Act receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, Section 31.0211(c), Education Code, as amended by this Act, takes effect September 1, 2021.