Amend CSHB 1525 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 17 of the bill, in added Section 48.111(a), Education Code (page 7, line 44), strike "0.35" and substitute "the applicable weight under Subsection (a-1)".
(2)  In SECTION 17 of the bill, in amended Section 48.111, Education Code (page 7, lines 51-55), strike added Subsection (a-1) and substitute the following:
(a-1)  For purposes of Subsection (a), the agency shall assign the following weights:
(1)  0.48 for each student enrolled at a district in the top third of districts, as determined based on the number of students calculated under Subsection (a);
(2)  0.33 for each student enrolled at a district in the middle third of districts, as determined based on the number of students calculated under Subsection (a); and
(3)  0.18 for each student enrolled at a district in the bottom third of districts, as determined based on the number of students calculated under Subsection (a).
(a-2)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a-1), instead of using the weights under that subsection, the agency shall substitute the following weights:
(1)  0.45 for each student enrolled at a district in the top third of districts, as determined based on the number of students calculated under Subsection (a);
(2)  0.30 for each student enrolled at a district in the middle third of districts, as determined based on the number of students calculated under Subsection (a); and
(3)  0.15 for each student enrolled at a district in the bottom third of districts, as determined based on the number of students calculated under Subsection (a).
(3)  In SECTION 17 of the bill, in added Section 48.111(a-2), Education Code (page 7, line 56), strike "(a-2) Subsection (a-1)" and substitute "(a-3) Subsection (a-2)".
(4)  In SECTION 17 of the bill, in added Section 48.111(c), Education Code (page 7, lines 68-69), strike "reduce each district's allotment under this section in the manner provided by Section 48.266(f)" and substitute "proportionately reduce each district's allotment under this section".
(5)  In SECTION 17 of the bill, in added Section 48.111(d-1), Education Code (page 8, lines 19-20), strike "reduce each district's amount under Subsection (d) in the manner provided by Section 48.266(f)" and substitute "proportionately reduce each district's amount under Subsection (d)".
(6)  In SECTION 24 of the bill, in added Section 48.277(c-1), Education Code (page 10, lines 29-31), strike "reduce each district's or school's allotment under this section in the manner provided by Section 48.266(f)" and substitute "proportionately reduce each district's or charter school's allotment under this section".
(7)  In SECTION 25 of the bill, in added Section 48.281(a), Education Code (page 10, line 38), strike "may adjust" and substitute "shall increase".
(8)  In SECTION 25 of the bill, in added Section 48.281, Education Code, strike "adjustment" and substitute "increase" in each of the following places:
(A)  each place it appears in Subsection (b) (page 10, lines 46, 48, and 50); and
(B)  each place it appears in Subsection (c) (page 10, lines 55 and 58).
(9)  In SECTION 25 of the bill, in added Section 48.281(c), Education Code (page 10, line 54), strike "adjustments" and substitute "increases".
(10)  In SECTION 25 of the bill, in the heading to added Section 48.282, Education Code (page 10, lines 61-62), strike "SPENDING LIMITATIONS TO EXTEND INTERVENTIONS PREVENTING" and substitute "EXTENDING INTERVENTIONS TO PREVENT".
(11)  In SECTION 25 of the bill, in added Section 48.282(a), Education Code (page 10, lines 65-66), strike ", in an amount determined by the agency under Subsection (b),".
(12)  In SECTION 25 of the bill, in added Section 48.282, Education Code, strike "or school" and substitute "or charter school" in each of the following places it appears:
(A)  in Subsection (a) (page 10, line 67);
(B)  in Subsection (c) (page 11, lines 14-15);
(C)  in Subsection (e) (page 11, lines 22 and 24); and
(D)  in Subsection (f) (page 11, lines 33-34, 35, and 38).
(13)  In SECTION 25 of the bill, in added Section 48.282(a), Education Code (page 10, line 68), between "49" and the underlined period, insert the following:
in an amount equal to 40 percent of the amount that results after subtracting $500,000 from the amount the district or charter school received under Section 2001(f), American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Pub. L. No. 117-2, reprinted in note, 20 U.S.C. Section 3401)
(14)  In SECTION 25 of the bill, strike added Section 48.282(b), Education Code (page 10, line 69 through page 11, line 9), and reletter subsequent subsections of Section 48.282 and fix any cross-references to those subsections accordingly.