Amend CSHB 1525 (senate committee report) in SECTION 19 of the bill as follows:
(1)  In transferred, redesignated, and amended Section 48.115, Education Code, strike Subsection (b)(3)(C) (page 9, lines 3-10) and substitute the following:
(C)  the prevention, identification, and management of emergencies and threats, using evidence-based, effective prevention practices and including:
(i)  providing licensed counselors, social workers, and individuals trained in restorative discipline and restorative justice practices;
(ii)  providing mental health personnel and support;
(iii) [(ii)]  providing behavioral health services; [and]
(iv) [(iii)]  establishing threat reporting systems; and
(v)  developing and implementing programs focused on restorative justice practices, culturally relevant instruction, and providing mental health support; and
(2)  In transferred, redesignated, and amended Section 48.115, Education Code (page 9, lines 18-23), strike "[(d) A school district that is required to take action under Chapter 41 to reduce its wealth per student to the equalized wealth level is entitled to a credit, in the amount of the allotments to which the district is to receive as provided by appropriation, against the total amount required under Section 41.093 for the district to purchase attendance credits.]" and substitute the following:
(d)  The commissioner shall annually publish a report regarding funds allocated under this section including the programs, personnel, and resources purchased by districts using funds under this section and other purposes for which the funds were used [A school district that is required to take action under Chapter 41 to reduce its wealth per student to the equalized wealth level is entitled to a credit, in the amount of the allotments to which the district is to receive as provided by appropriation, against the total amount required under Section 41.093 for the district to purchase attendance credits].