Amend HB 1925 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, line 11, between "form of" and "shelter", insert "temporary, semipermanent, or permanent".
(2)  On page 1, line 15, between "without the" and "consent", insert "effective".
(3)  On page 2, line 4, between "(b)" and the underlined period, insert the following:
, unless given to authorize the person to camp for:
(1)  recreational purposes;
(2)  purposes of sheltering homeless individuals, if the property on which the camping occurs is subject to a plan approved under Subchapter PP, Chapter 2306, Government Code, and the camping occurs in a manner that complies with the plan; or
(3)  purposes permitted by a beach access plan that has been approved under Section 61.015, Natural Resources Code, and the camping occurs in a manner that complies with the plan
(4)  Strike page 2, lines 5-11, and reletter subsequent subsections of added Section 48.05, Penal Code, and any cross-references to those subsections accordingly.
(5)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumber the SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Chapter 2306, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter PP to read as follows:
Sec. 2306.1121.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "camp" has the meaning assigned by Section 48.05, Penal Code.
Sec. 2306.1122.  APPROVAL REQUIRED. (a) A political subdivision may not designate a property to be used by homeless individuals to camp unless the department approves a plan described by Section 2306.1123(b).
(b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date the department receives a plan submitted by a political subdivision under this subchapter, the department shall make a final determination regarding approval of the plan.
Sec. 2306.1123.  PLAN REQUIREMENTS. (a) In this section, "proposed new campers" means homeless individuals the applicant intends to allow to camp at the property.
(b)  A plan required by Section 2306.1122 must describe each of the following with respect to a proposed property:
(1)  the availability of local health care for proposed new campers, including access to Medicaid services and mental health services;
(2)  the availability of indigent services for proposed new campers;
(3)  the availability of reasonably affordable public transportation for proposed new campers;
(4)  local law enforcement resources in the area; and
(5)  the steps the applicant has taken to coordinate with the local mental health authority to provide for any proposed new campers.
(c)  An applicant shall respond to reasonable requests for additional information made by the department regarding the proposed property or plan.
SECTION ____.  Subchapter PP, Chapter 2306, Government Code, as added by this Act, applies only to the designation and use of property described by that subchapter that first begins on or after the effective date of this Act. The designation and use of property described by Subchapter PP, Chapter 2306, Government Code, as added by this Act, that first began before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect when the designation and use first began, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.