Amend HB 1925 (house committee report) on page 2, between lines 23 and 24, by inserting the following:
(h)  Except as provided by Subsection (i), before or at the time a peace officer arrests or issues a citation to a person for an offense under this section, the peace officer must make a reasonable effort to:
(1)  advise the person of an alternative place at which the person may lawfully camp; and
(2)  contact, if reasonable and appropriate, an appropriate official of the political subdivision in which the public place is located, or an appropriate nonprofit organization operating within that political subdivision, and request the official or organization to provide the person with:
(A)  information regarding the prevention of human trafficking; or
(B)  any other services that would reduce the likelihood of the person suspected of committing the offense continuing to camp in the public place.
(i)  Subsection (h) does not apply if the peace officer determines there is an imminent threat to the health or safety of any person to the extent that compliance with that subsection is impracticable.