Amend HB 1973 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, line 7, between "REQUIRED" and the underlined period, insert "IN CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES".
(2)  On page 1, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
(b)  This section applies only to a municipality with a population of 10,000 or more.
(3)  On page 1, line 17, strike "(b)" and substitute "(c)".
(4)  On page 1, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following:
(d)  This section supersedes a conflicting provision in a meet and confer or collective bargaining agreement.
(e)  A meet and confer or collective bargaining agreement under Chapter 143 or 174, Local Government Code, may impose requirements for investigations in addition to those provided in Section 143.123 or Sections 143.312(a)-(k), Local Government Code, that do not conflict with the requirements of those sections.
(5)  On page 1, line 22, strike "(c)" and substitute "(f)".
(6)  On page 1, line 24, strike "with" and substitute "with:"
(7)  Strike page 2, lines 1 and 2, and substitute the following:
(1)  Section 143.123 or Sections 143.312(a)-(k), Local Government Code, or other applicable law, including the requirements adopted under Subsection (g), if applicable; and
(2)  any additional requirements imposed by a meet and confer or collective bargaining agreement under Chapter 143 or 174, Local Government Code.
(8)  On page 2, line 3, strike "(d)" and substitute "(g)".
(9)  On page 2, strike lines 6 and 7, and substitute the following:
(1)  procedures substantially identical to those required by Sections 143.312(a)-(k), Local Government Code; and
(2)  any additional procedures or requirements imposed by a meet and confer or collective bargaining agreement under Chapter 143 or 174, Local Government Code.
(10)  On page 2, line 17, strike "adopted under Section 614.024(d)" and substitute "applicable under Section 614.024".
(11)  On page 2, line 18, between "SECTION 3." and "Section 614.024", insert "(a)".
(12)  On page 2, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following:
(b)  Section 614.024(d), Government Code, as added by this Act, applies only to an agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this Act.