Amend CSHB 2000 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 14, strike "facilities and provide resilience" and substitute "facilities, provide resilience, and reduce demand".
(2) On page 7, line 15, strike "facilities," and substitute "facilities and reduce demand,".
(3) On page 7, line 27, strike "or".
(4) Between page 7, line 27 and page 8, line 1, insert the following:
(4) a water utility, electric utility, or natural gas utility project to reduce demand; or
(5) On page 8, line 1, strike "(4)" and substitute "(5)".
(6) On page 9, line 12, strike "and".
(7) On page 9, line 16, strike the underlined period and substitute "; and".
(8) On page 9, between lines 16 and 17, insert:
(4) improve local resiliency by reducing demand through energy efficiency measures, advanced metering infrastructure deployment, and demand response technology deployment.
(9) On page 18, line 14, strike "and".
(10) On page 18, between lines 14 and 15, insert the following:
(2) projects that reduce demand during period of high demand; and
(11) On page 18, line 15, strike "(2)" and substitute "(3)".
(12) On page 23, line 17, between "facilities" and the period insert "or reducing water demand through water conservation and water demand reduction efforts".
(13) On page 24, strike lines 14 through 16 and substitute the following:
to provide adequate capacity during periods of high demand for electric utilities and natural gas utilities, including by reducing electric and natural gas demand; and