Amend CSHB 2275 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) In each of the following places, between "supply" and the underlined comma, insert "that is reliable during an extreme weather event":
(A) on page 4, line 12;
(B) on page 5, line 24; and
(C) on page 6, line 22.
(2) On page 5, strike lines 10 through 14 and substitute the following appropriately lettered subsection:
(____) The division shall condition each grant awarded under this section on the grant recipient:
(1) providing funds from non-state sources in a total amount at least equal to 10 percent of the grant amount, with at least five percent of the recipient's match coming from local sources; and
(2) reimbursing the division for the amount of the grant if the recipient ceases operation or relocates before the fifth anniversary of the date on which the project for which the grant was made is completed.
(3) On page 6, strike lines 7 through 11 and substitute the following appropriately lettered subsection:
(____) The division shall condition each grant awarded under this section on the grant recipient:
(1) providing funds from non-state sources in a total amount at least equal to 10 percent of the grant amount, with at least five percent of the recipient's match coming from local sources; and
(2) reimbursing the division for the amount of the grant if the recipient ceases operation or relocates before the fifth anniversary of the date on which the project for which the grant was made is completed.
(4) On page 7, strike lines 20 through 24 and substitute the following appropriately lettered subsection:
(____) The division shall condition each grant awarded under this section on the grant recipient:
(1) providing funds from non-state sources in a total amount at least equal to 10 percent of the grant amount, with at least five percent of the recipient's match coming from local sources; and
(2) reimbursing the division for the amount of the grant if the recipient ceases operation or relocates before the fifth anniversary of the date on which the project for which the grant was made is completed.