Amend CSHB 2378 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) Strike page 2, lines 8 through 22, and substitute the following:
a report of a real estate inspection is under[:
[(1)] direct supervision if the person is instructed and controlled by a professional inspector [or real estate inspector] who is:
(1) [(A)] responsible for the actions of the person;
(2) [(B)] available if needed to consult with or assist the person; and
(3) [(C)] physically present at the time and place of the inspection[; and
indirect supervision if the person is instructed and controlled by a professional inspector who is:
responsible for the actions of the person; and
available if needed to consult with or assist the person].
(2) On page 3, line 5, strike "indirect" and substitute "direct [indirect]".