Amend HB 2631 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 5, line 1, strike "except for good cause shown" and substitute "unless an extension of time has been granted under Section 5 of this article"
(2) On page 5, between lines 1 and 2, insert the following:
Sec. 5. CONTINUANCE. (a) The court shall, for sufficient cause shown, extend the time by which the attorney representing the state is required to provide notice under Section 3(a)(1) or provide information under Section 4(b).
(b) The court shall, for sufficient cause shown, continue an admissibility hearing under this article or continue the defendant's trial in accordance with Article 29.03 if the defendant or the attorney representing the state needs additional time to prepare for the admissibility hearing.
(c) An extension of time under Subsection (a) constitutes sufficient cause shown for continuing the admissibility hearing or the trial as described by Subsection (b) if the continuance is requested by the defendant.
(3) On page 5, line 2, strike "Sec. 5" and substitute "Sec. 6".