Amend HB 2667 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, strike lines 9 through 20 and substitute the following:
(A)  an area:
(i)  receiving support under Section 56.021(1) on December 31, 2020; and
(ii)  served by a telecommunications provider that is subject to rate regulation under Chapter 53; or
(B)  an area:
(i)  receiving support under the Texas High Cost Universal Service Plan (16 T.A.C. Section 26.403) or the Small and Rural Incumbent Local Exchange Company Universal Service Plan (16 T.A.C. Section 26.404); and
(ii)  not excluded by commission rule based on the number of telecommunications providers serving the exchange, the population density in the exchange, and the number of customers served per route mile of plant in service used to provide basic local telecommunications service.
(2)  On page 3, line 7, between "shall" and "adopt", insert "initiate the rulemaking to".