Amend HB 3924 on third reading on page 4, between lines 16 and 17, by inserting the following appropriately numbered section:
Sec. ____.  APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN LAWS TO NONPROFIT AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION HEALTH BENEFITS. Notwithstanding Section 1682.004, a nonprofit agricultural organization that offers nonprofit agricultural organization health benefits that are determined by the commissioner to be structured in the manner of a preferred provider benefit plan or an exclusive provider benefit plan, as those terms are defined by Section 1301.001, is subject to the following laws and rules as if the nonprofit agricultural organization were an insurer, individuals entitled to nonprofit agricultural organization health benefits were insureds, and the nonprofit agricultural organization health benefits were provided through an insurance policy subject to Chapter 1301:
(1)  Section 1301.005;
(2)  Section 1301.0053;
(3)  Section 1301.0055;
(4)  Section 1301.006;
(5)  Section 1301.010;
(6)  Section 1301.155;
(7)  Section 1301.164;
(8)  Section 1301.165;
(9)  Chapter 1467; and
(10)  28 T.A.C. Chapter 3, Subchapter X.