Amend HB 4638 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 2, strike "City of".
(2) On page 7, line 3, between "board" and the underlined period, insert "and may not exceed the amount of expenses budgeted for a member of the governing body of the city".
(3) On page 8, line 15, between "city," and "the", insert "the district,".
(4) On page 10, line 10, between "programs" and "to", insert "with the prior consent of the governing body of the city in accordance with the development agreement".
(5) On page 10, line 17, strike "provides" and substitute "and Subchapter A, Chapter 1509, Government Code, provide".
(6) On page 11, line 21, between "resolution" and "shall", insert "with the prior consent of the governing body of the city in accordance with the development agreement".
(7) On page 13, lines 13-14, strike "the property is used as office space" and substitute "in accordance with an agreement with the city".