Amend CSSB 1 (house committee report) in Article II of the bill, following the appropriations to the Health and Human Services Commission (page II-36), by adding the following appropriately numbered rider:
____. Study on Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Waiver Program. (a) Using funds appropriated above, the Health and Human Services Commission shall conduct a study on the provision of services under the Home and Community-based Services (HCS) waiver program to individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability who have high behavioral and medical needs. In conducting the study, the commission shall:
(1)  define the scope of high behavioral and medical needs for which an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability may require enhanced services and service coordination under the waiver program;
(2)  identify the number of individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability who are enrolled in the program and who have high behavioral and medical needs; and
(3)  assess the fiscal impact that may result, at various scaled thresholds as determined by the commission, as a result of providing enhanced services and service coordination under the waiver program to individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability who have high behavioral and medical needs.
(b)  Not later than September 1, 2022, the Health and Human Services Commission shall prepare and submit to the legislature a written report that includes the results of the study conducted under Subsection (a) of this section.