Amend CSSB 7 (committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 9, strike lines 14-16, and renumber the subsections accordingly.
(2) On page 10, strike lines 20-21, and renumber the subsections accordingly.
(3) On page 11, line 6, strike "or"
(4) On page 11, line 11, insert the following:
(3) the voter is a person with a disability whose assistor is a previously known attendant, caregiver, or friend, whether paid or unpaid."
(5) On page 13, lines 5-6, strike "the manner of any assistance provided by a person assisting the voter, and"
(6) On page 17, line 18, insert the following:
(e) It is an exception to the application of Subsection (a) that the public official provided general information about voting by mail, the vote by mail process, or the timelines associated with voting to a person or the public.