Amend SB 23 on third reading on page 5, between lines 23 and 24, by inserting the following:
(e)  This subsection applies only to a county to which Subsection (c) applies. If the amount budgeted by the county for a law enforcement agency, excluding a 9-1-1 call center, with primary responsibility for policing, criminal investigation, and answering calls for service for a fiscal year exceeds the amount budgeted for that purpose for the preceding fiscal year, the no-new-revenue tax rate of the county for purposes of Subsection (c) is increased by the lesser of:
(1)  the amount of the increase divided by the difference between the county's current total value and new property value as defined by Section 26.012, Tax Code; or
(2)  the amount computed by:
(A)  multiplying the amount budgeted for that purpose for the preceding fiscal year by 0.05; and
(B)  dividing the amount computed under Paragraph (A) by the difference between the county's current total value and new property value as defined by Section 26.012, Tax Code.