Amend CSSB 23 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 135.001, Local Government Code, as follows:
(1)  In Subsection (a)(1) (page 1, line 31), between "agency" and "with", insert ", excluding a 9-1-1 call center,".
(2)  Strike Subsection (a)(1)(C) (page 1, lines 40-41) and substitute the following:
(C)  as applicable:
(i)  if the municipality or county, as applicable, has not declined in population since the preceding fiscal year, the number of peace officer positions, excluding detention officer positions; or
(ii)  if the municipality or county, as applicable, has declined in population since the preceding fiscal year, the number of peace officer positions, excluding detention officer positions, the law enforcement agency is authorized to employ per 1,000 municipal or county residents, as applicable; or
(3)  In Subsection (c)(1) (page 1, line 60), immediately after the underlined semicolon, strike "or".
(4)  Between Subsections (c)(1) and (2) (between page 1, line 60 and page 2, line 1), insert the following and renumber subsequent subdivisions accordingly:
(2)  revenues used to repay voter-approved bonded indebtedness incurred for a law enforcement purpose;
(3)  detention officer compensation; or