Amend CSSB 41 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 6, line 23, strike "subsequent filing of" and substitute "action other than an original action for".
(2)  On page 13, line 13, strike "statutory".
(3)  On page 14, strike lines 18-23, and substitute the following:
(b)  To fund the appellate judicial system each county treasurer shall allocate to the fund the percentage of the local consolidated filing fee provided by Section 135.101(b)(1) or 135.102(b)(1), Local Government Code.
(4)  On page 15, strike lines 21-26, and substitute the following:
in administering those duties. The state shall pay $5,000 of the salary in equal monthly installments from amounts deposited in the judicial fund [under Section 51.704] and appropriated for that purpose, and the remainder of the salary and expenses is paid by the counties that have statutory probate courts, apportioned according to the number of statutory probate courts in the county.
(5)  On page 22, strike lines 20-22, and substitute the following:
(ii)  Execution, order of sale, writ, or
(6)  On page 25, lines 9-10, strike "or to ascertain the existence of an instrument or record in the county clerk's office".
(7)  On page 25, between lines 14 and 15, insert the following:
(I)  Preparation of the clerk's record for appeal, per page or part of a page . . . $1.00
(8)  On page 26, line 13, strike "shall" and substitute "may".
(9)  On page 26, lines 14-16, strike "or to ascertain the existence of an instrument or record in the county clerk's office".
(10)  On page 39, strike line 7, and substitute "and 22.2141;".
(11)  On page 39, strike line 8.
(12)  On page 39, strike line 23, and renumber subdivisions of SECTION 5.01(c) accordingly.
(13)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS in ARTICLE 2 of the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the ARTICLE accordingly:
SECTION 2.___.  Section 25.00211(a), Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a)  Beginning on the first day of the state fiscal year, the state shall annually compensate each county [that collects the additional fees under Section 51.704] in an amount equal to $40,000 for each statutory probate court judge in the county.
SECTION 2.___.  Section 25.00212(a), Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a)  At the end of each state fiscal year, the comptroller shall determine the amounts deposited in the judicial fund by statutory probate courts [under Section 51.704] and the sum of the amount paid under Section 25.0022(e) and the total amounts paid to the counties under Section 25.00211.  If the total amount deposited in the judicial fund [under Section 51.704] by statutory probate courts in all counties exceeds that sum, the state shall remit the excess proportionately to each county that deposited a greater amount in the judicial fund by statutory probate court [under Section 51.704] than the amount the county was paid under Section 25.00211, as adjusted in an equitable manner to reflect the differences in the total amounts paid to the counties under Section 25.00211.
SECTION 2.___.  Section 25.00213(a), Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a)  A contributions fund is created in the county treasury of each county that receives funds under Section 25.00212 [collects the additional fees under Section 51.704].
SECTION 2.___.  Section 25.0595(j), Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
(j)  In addition to the uses authorized by Section 135.159 [118.064(b)], Local Government Code, fees collected under Section 135.102 [118.052(2)(A)(vi)], Local Government Code, and deposited into the judicial education and support fund may be used by Dallas County for providing staff for the statutory probate courts and for court-related purposes for the support of the statutory probate courts. [In determining if the fee produces more revenue than required as provided by Section 118.064(c), Local Government Code, the commissioners court shall include the uses authorized by this subsection.]