Amend SB 1480 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 6, line 7, following the underlined semicolon, insert "and".
(2) On page 6, line 9, strike "; and" and substitute an underlined period.
(3) On page 6, strike lines 10-11.
(4) On page 11, strike lines 19-21, and renumber subsequent sections of added Chapter 171, Government Code, and cross-references to those sections accordingly.
(5) Strike "felony of the third degree" and substitute "Class A misdemeanor" in each of the following places in which it appears:
(A) page 14, lines 10-11; and
(B) page 14, lines 17-18.
(6) On page 14, line 21, strike "ATTENDANCE AT" and substitute "[ATTENDANCE AT]".
(7) On page 16, line 3, strike "successfully complete [attend]" and substitute "attend".
(8) On page 23, line 11, strike "attending" and substitute "[attending]".
(9) On page 25, line 9, strike "attending" and substitute "[attending]".