Amend SB 1588 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 2, strike lines 15 through 22 and substitute the following:
Sec. 207.006. ONLINE SUBDIVISION INFORMATION REQUIRED. (a) This section applies only to:
(1) the property owners' association of a subdivision composed of at least 40 lots; or
(2) a property owners' association that has contracted with a management company.
(b) A property owners' association to which this section applies shall make the current version of the association's dedicatory instruments relating to the association or subdivision and filed in the county deed records available on an Internet [a] website:
(1) maintained by [if] the association [has,] or a management company on behalf of the association; and
(2) available to association members [maintains, a publicly accessible website].
(2) On page 3, line 18, immediately after the underlined semicolon, strike "and".
(3) On page 3, line 19, strike "(8)" and substitute the following:
(8) the amount and description of a fee or fees charged by or on behalf of the association relating to a property transfer in the subdivision; and
(4) Between page 6, line 27, and page 7, line 1, insert the following:
(i) The board may affirm, modify, or reverse, in whole or in part, any decision of the architectural review authority as consistent with the subdivision's declaration.
(5) On page 11, lines 6 and 7, strike "delinquent payment history" and substitute "the delinquent payment history of".
(6) On page 11, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following:
(c) A property owners' association may not charge a fee to an individual property owner for the reporting under Subsection (b) of the delinquent payment history of assessments, fines, and fees of property owners within the association's jurisdiction to a credit reporting service.