Amend CSSB 1827 (house committee version), in SECTION 1 of the bill, by striking Section 403.506(c)(2), Government Code, as added by the bill (page 7, line 27, through page 8, line 3) and substituting the following:
(2) allocate an amount equal to 70 percent of the total amount of money obtained under a statewide opioid settlement agreement and distributed to the fund and the account under Section 403.507 as follows:
(A) $5 million of the amount distributed to the fund to the Texas Access to Justice Foundation to be expended only on the order of the Supreme Court of Texas for the purpose of providing basic civil legal services to indigent persons directly impacted by opioid-use disorders, including children who need basic civil legal services as a result of opioid-use disorders by a parent, legal guardian or caretaker; and
(B) the remainder of that 70 percent to the council.