Amend CSSB 2026 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____. Section 5.001, Education Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (10) to read as follows:
(10) "Informed American patriotism" means a reasoned appreciation, gained through the study of historical primary sources, of why America has been, is now, and continues to be the destination of choice for those around the world who yearn to live in freedom. Informed American patriotism is only a conditional pledge of devotion that will be maintained only so long as America adheres to a republican form of government. If we abandon a representative democracy, our pledge of allegiance will be withdrawn as is stated in the Pledge of Allegiance, which swears devotion to a "republic".
(2) In SECTION 2 of the bill, in added Section 28.002(h-1)(4)(A), Education Code (page 2, line 39), between "the" and "Declaration", insert "entirety of the".
(3) In SECTION 2 of the bill, in added Section 28.002(h-1)(4)(B), Education Code (page 2, line 40), between "the" and "United", insert "entirety of the".
(4) In SECTION 2 of the bill, in added Section 28.002(h-1)(4)(C), Education Code (page 2, line 41), between "including" and "Essays", insert "the entirety of".